I like cats. As I graduated from high school in 1993 and came back home , at the moment I saw her first time I loved her. For 17 years she gave us joy. Although my severe cat allergy emerged, we could not get this grumpy cat out of our lives. The last day of a September, she left us, but its place in our hearts is fixed. Let this article go to Pamukhanım
We know that the place of cats in ancient Egypt is very special. At that time, cats were their biggest helpers, because there was plenty of grain production in Egypt. These grains were protected from insects and mice by cats that hunted them. This turned them into sacred animals over time. They even exaggerated and built a temple for the Cat Goddess Bast. They used the cat figure in the interiors, outer walls and in the close surroundings of their structures. When the trade began in the 5th century BC, the cats reached the Mediterranean Sea from there to Europe and then to America. He met Iran and Chinese cats by land.
Before Christianity in Europe, cats were loved animals. During this period The cat-headed goddess Freya worshiped here, and Freya's day was Friday. When they accepted Christianity and converted to monotheistic religion, the church declared Freya the devil, Friday the ominous day, and the cat as the cursed and witches animal, and tried to get rid of them. Of course, the mice multiplied and the Plague spread rapidly. The cat figures in the stone statues that form the ornaments on the exterior or roofs of the cathedrals built in these periods were made as ugly and scary creatures. After the Renaissance, the cats have while Renaissance painters portrayed them as sweet animals.
In history, Latin, Greek, Indian, Far Eastern civilizations also adopted cats as useful and cute animals